import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv("neo.csv")
카글 NASA - Nearest Earth Objects
There is an infinite number of objects in the outer space. Some of them are closer than we think. Even though we might think that a distance of 70,000 Km can not potentially harm us, but at an astronomical scale, this is a very small distance and can disrupt many natural phenomena. These objects/asteroids can thus prove to be harmful. Hence, it is wise to know what is surrounding us and what can harm us amongst those. Thus, this dataset compiles the list of NASA certified asteroids that are classified as the nearest earth object.
id | name | est_diameter_min | est_diameter_max | relative_velocity | miss_distance | orbiting_body | sentry_object | absolute_magnitude | hazardous | |
0 | 2162635 | 162635 (2000 SS164) | 1.198271 | 2.679415 | 13569.249224 | 5.483974e+07 | Earth | False | 16.73 | False |
1 | 2277475 | 277475 (2005 WK4) | 0.265800 | 0.594347 | 73588.726663 | 6.143813e+07 | Earth | False | 20.00 | True |
2 | 2512244 | 512244 (2015 YE18) | 0.722030 | 1.614507 | 114258.692129 | 4.979872e+07 | Earth | False | 17.83 | False |
3 | 3596030 | (2012 BV13) | 0.096506 | 0.215794 | 24764.303138 | 2.543497e+07 | Earth | False | 22.20 | False |
4 | 3667127 | (2014 GE35) | 0.255009 | 0.570217 | 42737.733765 | 4.627557e+07 | Earth | False | 20.09 | True |
id 90836
name 90836
est_diameter_min 90836
est_diameter_max 90836
relative_velocity 90836
miss_distance 90836
orbiting_body 90836
sentry_object 90836
absolute_magnitude 90836
hazardous 90836
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 90836 entries, 0 to 90835
Data columns (total 10 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 90836 non-null int64
1 name 90836 non-null object
2 est_diameter_min 90836 non-null float64
3 est_diameter_max 90836 non-null float64
4 relative_velocity 90836 non-null float64
5 miss_distance 90836 non-null float64
6 orbiting_body 90836 non-null object
7 sentry_object 90836 non-null bool
8 absolute_magnitude 90836 non-null float64
9 hazardous 90836 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(2), float64(5), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 5.7+ MB
column 설명
id : 식별자
name : nasa가 부여한 소행성 이름
est_diameter_min : 최소 추정 직경
est_diameter_max : 최대 추정 직경
relative_velocity : 지구 대비 상대적 속도
miss_distance : 지구로부터 거리
orbiting_body : 소행성이 돌고있는 행성
sentry_object : Included in sentry - an automated collision monitoring system
absolute_magnitude : 고유광도
hazardous : Boolean feature that shows whether asteroid is harmful or not
목표 : 어떤 column이 hazardous 를 결정하는지, 의사결정 트리를 통해 찾아보자
array(['Earth'], dtype=object)
Earth로 통일되어있으므로 제외해도 될듯
#id도 별로 안중요해보임. drop하자.
#name의 경우도 마찬가지로 라벨로 사용에는 용이하나 그 외에는 어려울듯.
d_df = df.drop(columns = ['id','orbiting_body'],axis = 1)
결정트리를 이용해 분류를 진행하자
from sklearn import tree
import pydotplus
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import matplotlib.image as pltimg
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
from subprocess import check_call
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import seaborn as sns
X = d_df.drop(columns = ['name', 'hazardous'], axis = 1)
y = d_df.hazardous
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,random_state=1,train_size=0.66)
dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)
dtree =,y_train)
y_pred = dtree.predict(X_test)
test 검증
print('confusion matrix\n', confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))
print(f'Accuracy : {accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)*100}')
confusion matrix
[[27819 75]
[ 2602 389]]
Accuracy : 91.33236198802007
dtree, # 학습한 모형
out_file = './', # .dot 파일 저장 위치
feature_names = X.columns, # 사용한 변수 이름
class_names = 'hazardous', # 예측할 타겟 클래스 이름
rounded=True, # 사각형 끝을 둥글게
filled=True # 사각형 안 색깔 채우기
# 예측한 모형 png로 바꿔서, 시각화 하기
img = mpimg.imread('./OutputFile.png')
plt.figure(figsize = (15,10))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f3c4ae31d10>
plt.title("Importance of Coefficient")
sns.barplot(x=X.columns, y=impt)
plt.xticks(rotation = 90)
최고의 정확도 찾아내보자
for i in range(1,20):
dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=i)
dtree =,y_train)
y_pred = dtree.predict(X_test)
print("max depth : ", i)
print('confusion matrix\n', confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))
print(f'Accuracy : {accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)*100}')
max depth : 1
confusion matrix
[[27894 0]
[ 2991 0]]
Accuracy : 90.31568722680913
max depth : 2
confusion matrix
[[27821 73]
[ 2605 386]]
Accuracy : 91.3291241703092
max depth : 3
confusion matrix
[[27819 75]
[ 2602 389]]
Accuracy : 91.33236198802007
max depth : 4
confusion matrix
[[27829 65]
[ 2615 376]]
Accuracy : 91.32264853488749
max depth : 5
confusion matrix
[[27649 245]
[ 2487 504]]
Accuracy : 91.15428201392261
max depth : 6
confusion matrix
[[27652 242]
[ 2488 503]]
Accuracy : 91.16075764934433
max depth : 7
confusion matrix
[[27655 239]
[ 2496 495]]
Accuracy : 91.14456856079003
max depth : 8
confusion matrix
[[27643 251]
[ 2498 493]]
Accuracy : 91.09923911283795
max depth : 9
confusion matrix
[[27606 288]
[ 2455 536]]
Accuracy : 91.11866601910312
max depth : 10
confusion matrix
[[27587 307]
[ 2451 540]]
Accuracy : 91.07009875344018
max depth : 11
confusion matrix
[[27569 325]
[ 2454 537]]
Accuracy : 91.00210458151206
max depth : 12
confusion matrix
[[27560 334]
[ 2438 553]]
Accuracy : 91.02476930548809
max depth : 13
confusion matrix
[[27475 419]
[ 2386 605]]
Accuracy : 90.91792132102962
max depth : 14
confusion matrix
[[27511 383]
[ 2389 602]]
Accuracy : 91.02476930548809
max depth : 15
confusion matrix
[[27397 497]
[ 2327 664]]
Accuracy : 90.85640278452323
max depth : 16
confusion matrix
[[27407 487]
[ 2317 674]]
Accuracy : 90.92115913874049
max depth : 17
confusion matrix
[[27329 565]
[ 2254 737]]
Accuracy : 90.87259187307754
max depth : 18
confusion matrix
[[27299 595]
[ 2207 784]]
Accuracy : 90.92763477416221
max depth : 19
confusion matrix
[[27204 690]
[ 2132 859]]
Accuracy : 90.86287841994496
for i in range(1,7):
dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_features=i)
dtree =,y_train)
y_pred = dtree.predict(X_test)
print("max features : ", i)
print('confusion matrix\n', confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))
print(f'Accuracy : {accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)*100}')
max features : 1
confusion matrix
[[26403 1491]
[ 1597 1394]]
Accuracy : 90.00161890885543
max features : 2
confusion matrix
[[26294 1600]
[ 1654 1337]]
Accuracy : 89.4641411688522
max features : 3
confusion matrix
[[26290 1604]
[ 1577 1414]]
Accuracy : 89.70050186174518
max features : 4
confusion matrix
[[26248 1646]
[ 1650 1341]]
Accuracy : 89.32815282499595
max features : 5
confusion matrix
[[26235 1659]
[ 1640 1351]]
Accuracy : 89.31843937186336
max features : 6
confusion matrix
[[26271 1623]
[ 1636 1355]]
Accuracy : 89.44795208029788
for i in range(2,10):
dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=i)
dtree =,y_train)
y_pred = dtree.predict(X_test)
print("max samples split : ", i)
print('confusion matrix\n', confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))
print(f'Accuracy : {accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)*100}')
max samples split : 2
confusion matrix
[[26265 1629]
[ 1645 1346]]
Accuracy : 89.39938481463494
max samples split : 3
confusion matrix
[[26405 1489]
[ 1693 1298]]
Accuracy : 89.69726404403431
max samples split : 4
confusion matrix
[[26347 1547]
[ 1697 1294]]
Accuracy : 89.49651934596082
max samples split : 5
confusion matrix
[[26375 1519]
[ 1717 1274]]
Accuracy : 89.52242188764772
max samples split : 6
confusion matrix
[[26347 1547]
[ 1709 1282]]
Accuracy : 89.45766553343046
max samples split : 7
confusion matrix
[[26371 1523]
[ 1720 1271]]
Accuracy : 89.49975716367169
max samples split : 8
confusion matrix
[[26362 1532]
[ 1705 1286]]
Accuracy : 89.51918406993687
max samples split : 9
confusion matrix
[[26406 1488]
[ 1711 1280]]
Accuracy : 89.64222114294965
max Depth = 2인 모델로 채택
dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2)
dtree =,y_train)
y_pred = dtree.predict(X_test)
test 검증
print('confusion matrix\n', confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))
print(f'Accuracy : {accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)*100}')
confusion matrix
[[27821 73]
[ 2605 386]]
Accuracy : 91.3291241703092
dtree, # 학습한 모형
out_file = './', # .dot 파일 저장 위치
feature_names = X.columns, # 사용한 변수 이름
class_names = 'hazardous', # 예측할 타겟 클래스 이름
rounded=True, # 사각형 끝을 둥글게
filled=True # 사각형 안 색깔 채우기
# 예측한 모형 png로 바꿔서, 시각화 하기
img = mpimg.imread('./OutputFile.png')
plt.figure(figsize = (15,10))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f3c4ab3b290>
plt.title("Importance of Coefficient")
sns.barplot(x=X.columns, y=impt)
plt.xticks(rotation = 90)
결론 : harzardous에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변수는 절대등급(絶對等級, 영어: Absolute magnitude), 천체의 광도를 등급으로 나타낸 로그함수 이고 두번째는 충돌모니터링 시스템 내의 존재 여부이다.
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container {width:90% !important;}</style>"))
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